India Film Project

My good friend, Trent Cornwell, is in India right now working a special project – a documentary about the need for the gospel in India.  I would like to ask you to read the letter he wrote below, to pray for him and the team, and to get involved.

Dear Pioneer Senders,

For those of you that have been following the Sender Report it should not come as a surprise to you that I would be dedicating this issue to the India Film Project. I know I have said this and said it often–but I really cannot believe this is becoming a reality. My wife and I leave for India this coming Tuesday. (Side note: My wife’s expenses are not coming out of the funds raised for the project; however, she is my greatest help in life and I am grateful she is able to join us.) I will be there for 21 days assisting the film crew from ProChurch. Brandon and Eric, from ProChurch, will be there right at 30 days.

I knew that this would be a project to help people see the incredible need of a place that many here in America know little about. I also knew that it was a type of project that did not have many models to follow. This project requires participation from various groups, in this case Vision Baptist MissionsProChurch, and the Gospel workers on the field. I knew this was the type of work that I believe was best suited for a PIONEER SENDER. It is my desire to be a Pioneer Sender, so this is the type of “stuff” that I think I should be working on as I desire to assist my church and fulfill the “both” mandate of Acts 1:8!!

I would like to ask you for your help! Here are a few ways that you can be involved.

1. Prayer Team – That is almost always the first thing on a list like this and it should be. If I did not believe that you all would hold the ropes in prayer I would never be part of an endeavor like this. Please pray for us. Here is a link where you can choose one of the days we will be in the country and let us know you will be praying on that day.

2. Premier Churches – We currently have 28 churches who have partnered with us to premier this documentary! We so extremely grateful for their belief in this project. We would really like to get to 50 churches before we return from India at the end of August. This would not only allow us to make use of some additional funds which will be used in the distribution of this film but it also helps us get the film in front of a larger audience. We desire to help as many believers as possible in America see the need in Northern India and wrestle with the question of “how will God use my life to make a difference?” You can also give a donation online that will be used for these same purposes.

3. Promote the Cause – I know sharing a Facebook status, retweeting a post, sending someone a link via email, mentioning it during a time of prayer at your church, or sending it by smoke signal (if that is your preferred mode of communication) often doesn’t seem like a big deal. I want you to know we believe it is a big deal! First of all it encourages us to know that other Christians are supporting what we are doing. Second it helps other people who have not heard about this project but have interest in it know what is happening. Lastly, it helps us get the word out about the documentary which will increase the amount of people that will be exposed to this important message. Here is the link to our website for this project.

4. Read the India Film Project Blog – As you see I have messed up my alliteration but it is worth it to get you this point. I have written about our desire to be Yielded Instruments and answered the question Why Northern India?. As time will allow we will keep you updated via this blog during the trip.

Thank you for all you have done to make this possible! I have and will continue try my best to help you as you strive to be a “pioneer sender” as well. If you have any questions please let me know. Also, PLEASE choose a day to pray for us! It would mean so much me to know that you are HOLDING the ROPES for us! If you don’t know what I mean by that term – read this.

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