No Need to Be Afraid of Troubling News – Isa 7

King Ahaz of the southern kingdom of Judah received troubling news that two other kings, the king of Israel and Syria to the north, were both coming up against him. His heart was moved, like the trees of the wood are moved with the wind (v.2), and he was afraid. Though Judah had many problems and would face future judgment (v.13-25), God sent Isaiah to let Ahaz know that this present threat would make no impact. God’s message to Ahaz is very helpful to us as well. Many times we face challenges that are frightening and much greater than our ability to overcome.

Isaiah told him…“Take heed, and be quiet; Fear not, neither be fainthearted For the two tails of these smoking firebrands, For the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.”

Isaiah also told him that their alliance against him would not stand or come to pass’ (v.7). He was then instructed to ask for a sign as proof of this (v.10). He refused, claiming to not want to test God, but probably it was because he doubted the prophesy. Instead, God promised the sign of a virgin bearing a child who would be called Immanuel or God with us.

What we can learn from this is:

  1. No matter what challenges come our way, we should still trust the Lord.
  2. Fear of threats have no place in the heart of those who believe God. We should be calm, trusting God, and not fainthearted.
  3. God has proven time and time again that He is able to do what He says. We should not doubt like Ahaz did.
  4. When we doubt the Lord, we weary the Lord (v.12). He grows impatience with our doubts and fears.
  5. Jesus is the ultimate sign of God’s power and ability to rescue and save. He is the ultimate fulfilment of the sign (Matt 1:21-23). He came to deliver Israel and all mankind. Let us trust in Him!

What troubling news have you heard? What fears threaten your trust in the Lord? What doubts are filling your heart even now? Look to the Lord. Trust in His Word. He kept His Word about the birth of Jesus and He will keep all His other promises as well!

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