I Will Not Forget You – Isa 49

The history of Israel to this point is mostly one of failure and disappointment. God makes them great promises, but those promises are only partly fulfilled at best.

As a nation, they disobey and come under God’s chastisement. And so the promises seem to be in jeopardy. They begin to feel that the Lord has forsaken and forgotten them (v.14).

But God, answers in a very clear and powerful way:

  • Let heaven and earth break forth in singing because the Lord will comfort his people (v.13).
  • It would be more likely for a mother to forget her child than for God to forget His people (v.15).
  • I will not forget you. I have graven you upon the plams of my hands (v.15-16).

I love the sweet assurance of these promises to Israel, because I know that the same God who made promises to Israel has made promises to me.

It greatly comforts me to know that the Lord loves me and will not forget me. I am glad that even in times of discipline, waiting and doubt, that I can trust the Lord and His unchanging promises.

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