Led By The Spirit of God – Romans 8

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.’ — Romans 8:14

God saves us the moment we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. That initiates a process that has been part of God’s plan from the beginning. His plan has been to “conform to the image of His Son” all those who believe on Jesus and are in Christ (see Rom 8:29; Eph 1:4).

The predestination here is not describing, as some suggest, the predestination of lost people to salvation. Instead, it is predestining all those who are in Christ to be like Christ. It is talking about transforming all who are in Christ (through faith in Christ) to the image of Christ.

God’s plan for all those who believe includes an adoption and a redemption of our bodies (v.23), a glorification (v.30) when we will be manifested (v.19) and find glorious liberty (v.21). This is talking about the transformation that will happen when Christ returns and we receive a new body, forever free from sin and corruption (Colossians 3:4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).

As a result of this promised destiny for those who have believed on Christ, we should, as verse fourteen says, be led of the Spirit as mature, adult sons of God. We should not immaturely live in the deeds of the body, giving in to the desires of the flesh. Instead, we should let the Holy Spirit take over and lead us. We should let Him fill us and control us and cause us to live like who we are Christ.

Who is leading you? Who is controlling you? Christian, are you acting like a mature son of God? Or are you behaving in an immature way, giving in to the flesh and the deeds of the body? May God help us to grow up and let the Spirit lead us today.

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