Guidelines for Ministry

Below are some things that Teri and I wrote out several years ago as we prepared to come to Ireland to do ministry.  I am not sure what prompted it or where all the ideas came from, but I think that many of them would be good for us to live by now in our ministries:

  1. We must remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but that we are fighting a spiritual battle.
  2. We will not allow circumstances, other people, or our feelings to take away the joy and peace that Jesus gives.  We will live by truth, principle, not emotion.
  3. We will strive to spend time each day in God’s Word and pray.
  4. We will love the people with all of our hearts, even when they are unlovely.
  5. We must realise that God is the one who brings the results.  If we are faithful, God will make us fruitful.
  6. We will labor more abundantly than they all.
  7. We will be willing to pay any price God would require, even our own lives.
  8. We will stay away from strange men and women and will never be alone with someone of the opposite sex.
  9. We will remain humble, so God can use us.
  10. We will forgive wrongs as soon as they occur.
  11. We will help anybody and everybody to further the kingdom of God and not our own.
  12. We will train men, as Jesus Christ did.
  13. We will cast a vision (example: David’s mighty men, 12 tribes going into Canaan).
  14. We will be team players.
  15. We will keep a teachable spirit and never stop learning and continue to ask questions.
  16. We will make Irish people a success.
  17. We will not try to make the Irish people Americans but Christians.
  18. We will remember that tears produce joy.
  19. We will place a high priority on our marriage and family relationship.


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