Exhortations to Pastors – 1 Peter 5

As Peter closed out his letter, he gave some instructions to the elders/pastors/bishops that were among them. Peter was himself an elder, a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker of the glory that will be revealed. So he could identify with these pastors and help them know how to lead God people in challenging times.

Here is a summary of his exhortations to pastors:

  1. Make sure you keep feeding the flock the truth of God’s Word (v.2).
  2. Oversee the flock of God with the right motives – willingly, not out of duty or for financial gain (v.2).
  3. Instead of domineering the flock, be an example to the flock (v.3).
  4. Keep your eyes on the ‘Chief Shepherd’ Jesus Christ who will return and give you a crown of glory (v.4).
  5. Expect the church to submit to you, but also show mutual submission to one another in the church (v.5).
  6. Humble yourselves under the hand of God (v.6).
  7. Cast your worries and cares on the Lord (v.7).
  8. Be on guard against the attacks of Satan (v.8).
  9. Resist Satan by faith knowing that God will help you and is helping others just like you all around the world (v.9-11).

These are wonderful exhortations to pastors who are leading God’s people. May God help us to heed them and to keep our focus on the Lord and the work He has for us to do.

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