Update on Missy Smith

Here is the lastest update on Missy Smith for those who have been praying for her

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for all your prayers and support we really appreciate it.
I brought Missy to the hospital (Mercy hospital in Cork) around midnight on Tues. evening and she was admitted. They started her on two iv antibiotics right away and on the next day they gave her a blood transfusion because her hemoglobin was so low. Yesterday, her temperature was up and down so they have kept her on the iv antibiotics. If all is well, she may be able to go home tomorrow. She should start feeling better tomorrow as the blood starts to recover.
I stayed with Missy at the hospital and I slept in a bed! I have spent many nights sleeping in a hospital and this is the first time I have ever had it so nice! I must say the bed was really comfortable and if it wasn’t for the nurse having to come in and giving the ivs during the night I would have had a sound sleep. The room Missy is in has two beds and the parents are allowed to sleep in the spare bed. Bernadette stayed with her last night.
If Missy’s blood is ok she will start her second round of chemo on Monday. I will drive up to Dublin with her early Monday morning and we will spend five days there and then she will get the rest of the round of chemo here in Cork.

Please continue to pray for the rest of the family as well.
Thanks for upholding us in prayer.
God Bless,
Bro. Lionel

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