A Bright Future for Those Who Trust God – Amos 9

Amos 9 is the last chapter in the book and deal with things that will happen in the end. Notice several things:

  1. No sinner will escape (v.1-10). God Himself takes personal responsibility for punishing the wicked no matter how far they run. He personally intervenes to deal with the wicked (v.5,6). God sees all their sin and will deal with every wicked person (v.8).
  2. No righteous person will perish (v.9). God said that He would sift them like corn is sifted and no least grain would fall to the earth. The grain is the good that is left, and so this seems to indicate that God will not all any righteous person to perish with the “chaff”.
  3. Israel will not be totally destroyed (v.8). That generation and that kingdom would be destroyed, but God would not utterly destroy them as a people. Through Jesus, God has plans to raise up the tabernacle of David once again (v.11-12). The people will be restored back into their land and enjoy a time of unending prosperity there (v.13-15).
  4. All nations will benefit from God’s blessings through Israel (v.12). God’s plan was to bless all nations of the earth through Israel. In bringing Christ through Israel and in coming back to establish His kingdom, God will bless all nations through Israel.

Just as in Amos’ day, the immediate future was dark as they faced judgment on sinners. But the distant future was very bright as God saves those who believed and has plans to restore Israel and bring blessing to the whole world through them.

We may be enduring some dark days and there may be darker days ahead, but I am glad that the future is very bright. God wins in the end. God saves all who trust in Him. And God has plans to restore His people and renew this world to a place of joy and peace for all eternity.

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