December 2011 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastors & Praying Friends,
Baptism Service: We started off the month of November with a baptism service. After doing Bible studies with Lee for about a year, he made a profession of faith, got baptized and joined the church on Sunday, the 5th of November. Lee has been a very faithful member since and is a student in the Bible institute. Please pray for his growth and for his unsaved family.

Youth Weekend in Sunderland: In the middle of November, Grant and I travelled to Northeast England to preach at a youth retreat hosted by a church in Sunderland. It was a great opportunity, and one of the men who came to the retreat got under conviction and made a profession of faith a few days later. Please pray for Stephen and for the need in that part of England.
Thanksgiving: We had a great time on Thanksgiving Day. Our friends, Stephen and April Baker, were over for a few weeks visiting with us, and we also celebrated with about thirty others including local pastors/missionaries as well as people from our church. We are so thankful for the close friends that God has given us here.
Men’s Conference: On November 25-26, we had our first men’s conference at our church. Jerome Pittman from Swords, Ireland preached for us and did a great job challenging our men. We had about 10 men come to the conference. We are so thankful for the faithful men that God has put in our church.

December: December began with our church Christmas buffet, then our choir singing for the first time this past Sunday. Sam and Teri are doing a great job with the choir. At the end of the month, we are going to have a Christmas Eve and Christmas Day service, as well as our Youth Winter Retreat. We also finished up the Autumn semester of our Bible institute, and the next semester will start in January.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. We are excited about coming back on furlough from September 2012 to June 2013. If you would like us to come by your church and present our ministry, please let me know at 678-871-9610 or