March 2022 Prayer Letter
Pray for Europe – European nations like Russia and Ukraine have been very prominent in our minds over the past few weeks. Our hearts break for all those affected by the war in Ukraine. Please pray for Christians in Eastern Europe at this time and for laborers to be sent forth. This is a crucial time for many people to consider giving their lives as missionaries to countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. Please get in touch if you would like help with preparing for mission work in Europe.

New Pastor for Downham – Ricardo Hipolito has been serving as the assistant pastor of Downham Baptist since May 2021. Recently, the church called him as the new pastor from July 2022. We are very thankful to the Lord for providing such a Godly pastor and his family to lead the church, and we are grateful for the continuing maturity of the church. We are very grateful for Bethesda Free Church in Sunderland sending him out and for the training he received at the Theological College of North Staffordshire.
Committing to Faithful Men – The Lord continues to raise up other men here in the ministry. Downham Baptist will be ordaining a deacon later on this month, and several men at Downham have begun helping with the preaching. Also in Colchester, two men have been helping with our midweek study through the book of Romans. Please pray for these men and for God to raise up other men to lead and preach.
Building Fund Update – The Lord provided $775 for the building fund for Downham Baptist through one of our supporting churches! Thank you for continuing to pray for this need. We are asking God for $175,000. To give, go to or send your check to Vision Baptist Missions (PO Box 442, Alpharetta, GA 30009) and put “London Building Fund” in the memo.
Trip to America – We will be back in America from March 23 to May 3. We have several meetings including teaching at the annual orientation for Vision Baptist Missions. If your church is within a five-hour drive from Atlanta, we have some openings and could come by to give an update or share about the ministry transition we have coming up in August 2022.