England Trip Day 2

We had another good day here in SW England. We drove up to Oxford to meet up with Derrick Morlan, pastor of Oxford Baptist Chapel. It was exciting to see the building that God has given them there and to hear of the work that the Lord is doing.
Pastor Morlan took us on a brief tour around the city of Oxford. We were able to see the place where the Oxford Martyrs (Latimer, Ridley, and Cranmer) were tried, imprisoned, and burnt for their faith in God in 1555. We also went up the tower of St. Mary’s Church and looked over the city.
In the afternoon, we stopped in Newbury for lunch and then went back to the Wickens’ house before dinner to study and do some work. The service at Brimpton Baptist Church last night went very well. I shared my burden and vision for the UK and the world. Alan Campbell preached a great message on “Whosoever Remaineth”.
It is a real blessing to be with friends and to enjoy the fellowship. The Wickens’ are great friends and a real blessings. They have been so hospitable and made my stay here very enjoyable.
Today, we are going to do some literature distribution, so please pray for God bless that and the service tonight.
If you want to view more photos of my trip, you can click on this link here.