Ministry Update – Feb 24, 2014

We had an interesting week that was a combination of working on starting to pack our house and getting prepared to move, helping the Wayes find a car to buy, surveying the Charlton/Kidbrooke area for potential meeting places, working on tax documentation, and studying to preach.
I enjoyed teaching the Wednesday night Bible study at College Park Baptist Chapel in Lewisham on 1 John 1:1-2:2. I must say that one of the things I really am looking forward to doing when we get the church started is preaching on a more regular basis.
This past weekend, the Waye family and our family went out to Brimpton Baptist Church to be a part of their services. It was very nice of Pastor Wickens and the church to have a special time to welcome the Wayes into the country. Also, they showed the India Film in the church on Sunday night. There was a great response to the film, and I think it impacted all of us greatly.
This week, Chris and I are driving up to Preston to pick up 25,000 copies of John and Romans that a pastor there is giving us. We are going to work on finding meeting places as well and doing outreach.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us. We are thankful for how God has answered prayers and is opening doors.
- Open doors for the gospel and for the ministry.
- Souls to be saved as we go out to share the gospel.
- A building to rent for services in the Charlton/Kidbrooke area. We would like to have our first preliminary service by the end of March.
- Pastor James Wilson and Northwest Baptist Church in Northern Ireland.
- Pastor Martin Wickens and Brimpton Baptist Church in Berkshire.
- The India Film Project and the work of the Come and See India Team.
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