October 2012 Prayer Letter from the Snode Family

Dear Pastors & Praying Friends,
The weeks leading up to our leaving Ireland for furlough were interesting to say the least! On top of having to get our house back into shape for the landlord and putting all our belongings into storage, our car and my wallet with all my documents was stolen! Also, our passports were never returned by the UK Border Agency, so we had to get new passports! The Lord helped us getting everything finished up, and we were able to get emergency passports the day before our flight.
We landed in Atlanta on Wednesday, September 5 and were greeted by many of the folks from our home church, Vision Baptist, who have been a real blessing by helping us get settled in and setting up our house. Our home address while we are in America is 4745 Ansley Lane, Cumming, GA 30040. You can still contact us on our google voice number at 678-871-9610 or my new cell phone 678-899-2832.
We had seven meetings in September, including a missions conference at our home church and a visit to Teri’s parents in Alabama. We have not yet seen my family, but we look forward to seeing them in the next few weeks.
We still have about 20 openings in 2013. If you would like for us to come by your church to present our ministry or give an update, just let us know. You can view our furlough schedule here. We are praying that God will help us raise some additional ministry support and recruit some new laborers during this time.
The Lord continues to bless the church in Derry. Sam Quinn and the folks in the church are doing a fantastic job, and I am excited about how the Lord is using Northwest Baptist Church to get the gospel out. Please pray as we are having to move locations of the church again. The building we were renting is being turned into a hotel by our landlords.
Next summer, we are planning our 2013 Ireland Mission Trip from July 26 – August 5. If you are interested in joining us for this exciting trip, click here or contact us.
Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers and support.
– Travis & Teri Snode
[button link=”http://www.intoalltheworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Prayer-Letter-2012-10-reduced.pdf” style=”download”]Download Prayer Letter PDF[/button]