Please Pray for Our Week of Special Meetings

Yesterday, we started a series of special meetings at Northwest Baptist Church called “In The Last Days.” Pastor James Wilson, Bro. Sam Quinn, and myself are preaching 11 messages over 8 days from the book of Revelation.
We had a very good day yesterday with a good attendance in the service. There is a great spirit in the church right now, and people are excited about the future.
We have a team five of folks from America helping us at this time with outreach and the meetings. They are helping with the children’s meeting, providing special music, sharing testimonies, and passing out literature.
I would like you to be in special prayer for this week of meetings. Pray for God to help us as we share the gospel. Pray for souls to be saved. Pray for new folks to come to the church. And pray for the Lord to be glorified through it all.