Travis Snode Prayer Letter – October 2, 2013

Dear Pastors & Praying Friends,
We have now been in London for about 7 weeks. We have our home mostly set up and are developing a weekly routine. Teri home-schools the children, and I work about sixty hours per week studying, preparing messages, and surveying the city.
Though we probably will not be ready to start our first church here until after the beginning of the year, we still have much work to do.
The first step for us is to learn about the history, culture, and people of London. There are many similarities to Northern Ireland but also many differences.
Secondly, we are mapping out where there are good churches in the city and then focusing on areas that do not have a solid, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.
This is not as easy as it sounds. There are many churches here (quite a few with the name Baptist); but, sadly, many of them are very liberal theologically, some no longer preach the gospel, and others are small and struggling to keep their doors open. The size and congestion of the city can also be a challenge with a 10 mile car trip across the city frequently taking as long as 2 hours.
We are focusing our research on the neediest areas. So far, we have identified 5 boroughs (of the 32 in London) which seem to have no Bible-believing churches. Together, those five boroughs have a combined population of 1.3 million!
We certainly do not want to discount the work that other Bible-believing churches and pastors are doing, but it is definitely apparent that there is much work to be done. Opportunities abound to reach university students, different nationalities, and various parts of the city with little or no gospel witness.
Thirdly, we are preparing for when we start a church by putting together messages, literature, and material. I am currently working on a new sermon series in the book of Mark, and next month we are going to put together an evangelistic website.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us and the work here. We are happy to report that things are going well at Northwest Baptist in Northern Ireland. God is really using Pastor James and the folks there.
Thank you for praying for us and for the part you have in the work here. May God richly bless you.
May God bless you all,
– Travis & Teri Snode
Prayer Requests
- Open doors for the gospel and for training men here in London
- Wisdom as we seek the area in London where God would have us start a church
- James Wilson and Northwest Baptist Church
- An additional 7% of our support
- The Chris Waye family preparing to come help us in April 2014
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