Trip to Ireland, Building Purchase Progress

Last week, our children were off school for a half-term break. We took the opportunity to visit friends in Ireland. We enjoyed attending Northwest Baptist Church in Derry on Sunday morning and Limavady Baptist Church on Sunday night. It was great to see friends we have known for many years and to hear how they are going on for the Lord. We also spent several days holidaying in Co. Donegal with some pastor and missionary friends. It was great to get away for a few days in a very beautiful part of the world.

Northwest Baptist Church is getting very close to completing the building purchase. There are a couple legal searches to complete and then, hopefully, they will have the keys by the middle of March. Please keep this in your prayers. Also, please continue to Pastor James as he is needing to raise more monthly support. His is currently at 27% of his needed support level. For more information, go to

We had a great day today at Downham Baptist, finishing up the book of Philippians, looking at ‘Participation in the Mission’ as well as starting an afternoon teaching series called ‘Why?’ answering the question of why we so many things as Christians.

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